Ubiquiti » Antennas » RD-5G34
Ubiquiti RD-5G34, 5Ghz 34dBi, 5GHz AirMax 2x2 MIMO PtP Dish Antenna
Price: 271,15€
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Ubiquiti RD-5G34, 5Ghz 34dBi, 5GHz AirMax 2x2 MIMO PtP Dish Antenna

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Carrier Class Performance; breakthrough Price Points; instantly pair with Rocket M5 to create powerful 2x2 MIMO PtP Bridging.

Rocket M and AirMax BaseStation/Rocket Antennas have been designed to seamlessly work together.

Installing Rocket M on AirMax BaseStation/Rocket Antennas requires no special tools, you simply snap it into place with the mount provided with the Antennas.

Instantly pair with Rocket M5 to create powerful 2x2 MIMO PtP Bridging applications.

Full mating brackets and weatherproof RF jumpers included.

Frequency Range: 4.90-5.90 GHz
Gain: 30 - 34 dBi
Polarization: Dual Linear
Cross-Pol Isolation: 35dB min
Max VSWR: 1.4:1
Hpol Beamwidth (3dB): 
Vpol Beamwidth (3db):
F/B Ratio: -42dB
ETSI Specification: EN302 326 DN2
Dimensions: 1050mm diameter
Weight: 13.5Kgr
Wind Survivability: 125mph
Windloading: 113lb/100mph

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