Electronics » USB to UART
    Manufacturer   Model   Product Name   Available   Price+ 
 4-Channel 3.3V 5V Logic Level Converter Module      IOT-4CLS   4-Channel 3.3V 5V Logic Level Converter Module   0,39€ 
 U212v1, USB to 12v/0.8A step up with 1m cable      U212v1   U212v1, USB to 12v/0.8A step up with 1m cable   0,76€ 
 PL2303 USB to TTL Serial Port Module      PL2303   PL2303 USB to TTL Serial Port Module   0,99€ 
 CH340G USB to RS232 Serial Port Module      U2RS   CH340G USB to RS232 Serial Port Module   1,19€ 
 RS232 to TTL PCB Module      RS2TTLP   RS232 to TTL PCB Module   1,22€ 
 CH340G USB to TTL Serial Port Module   e-zy.net   CH340G   CH340G USB to TTL Serial Port Module   1,50€ 
 WEMOS CH340G USB to TTL module   Wemos - LoLin   HW-694   WEMOS CH340G USB to TTL module   1,82€ 
 PL2303 USB to TTL adapter with 1 meter cable - Black   e-zy.net   PL23031BK   PL2303 USB to TTL adapter with 1 meter cable - Black   2,42€ 
 CP2102P, USB to TTL Serial Port Module CP2102, USB-A Male      CP2102P   CP2102P, USB to TTL Serial Port Module CP2102, USB-A Male   3,21€ 
 CP2102C, USB to TTL Serial Port Module CP2102, USB Type-C      CP2102C   CP2102C, USB to TTL Serial Port Module CP2102, USB Type-C   3,21€ 
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 10 products)
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