Electronics » I2C / IIC
    Manufacturer   Model   Product Name   Available   Price+ 
 BMP280 I2C/SPI Barometric Pressure Altitude Sensor      IOT-BMP280   BMP280 I2C/SPI Barometric Pressure Altitude Sensor   0,75€ 
 GY302 I2C Digital Light Intensity Sensor (BH1750)      GY302   GY302 I2C Digital Light Intensity Sensor (BH1750)   0,78€ 
 DS1307 AT24C32 I2C/IIC High Precision RTC Module (3.3~5.5V)      IOT-DS1307   DS1307 AT24C32 I2C/IIC High Precision RTC Module (3.3~5.5V)   1,49€ 
 DHT12 I2C/1-Wire Temperature and Humidity Sensor      IOT-DHT12   DHT12 I2C/1-Wire Temperature and Humidity Sensor   1,50€ 
 ADS1115 - I2C 4 channel ADC Module 16 Bit      ADS1115   ADS1115 - I2C 4 channel ADC Module 16 Bit   2,16€ 
 PCF8574T - I2C 8-bit I/O Expansion Module      IOT-PCF8574T   PCF8574T - I2C 8-bit I/O Expansion Module   2,68€ 
 0.96" I2C 128X64 OLED LCD Module SSD1306 - White      OLED128W   0.96" I2C 128X64 OLED LCD Module SSD1306 - White   2,72€ 
 0.96" I2C 128X64 OLED LCD Module SSD1306 - Yellow/Blue      OLED128YB   0.96" I2C 128X64 OLED LCD Module SSD1306 - Yellow/Blue   2,72€ 
 AM2320 I2C Temperature / Humidity Sensor      IOT-AM2320   AM2320 I2C Temperature / Humidity Sensor   3,08€ 
 PCA9685 - I2C 16 Channel 12-bit PWM GPIO extender      IOT-PCA9685   PCA9685 - I2C 16 Channel 12-bit PWM GPIO extender   3,28€ 
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 10 products)
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